Advocate 3x1 Medium Dogs (4-10 Kg), pk3


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  • Categories: Prescription Medicines

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  • Product Code: #160350

  • Weight: 29gm

  • Pack size / qty: PK 3

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Advocate 3x1 Medium Dogs (4-10 Kg) External antiparasitic, recommended for dogs More information: ADVOCATE 3x1ML DOG ​​(4-10KG) QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION OF THE ACTIVE SUBSTANCES AND OTHER SUBSTANCES Each dose (pipette) provides: Dose Imidacloprid Moxidectin Advocate for small dogs (≤ 4 kg) 0.4 ml 40 mg 10 mg Advocate for medium dogs (> 4-10 kg) 1.0 ml 100 mg 25 mg Advocate for large dogs (> 10-25 kg) 2.5 ml 250 mg 62.5 mg Advocate for very large dogs (> 25-40 kg) 4, 0 ml 400 mg 100 mg Excipients: Benzyl alcohol, 1 mg/ml butylated hydroxytoluene (E 321; as antioxidant) Clear yellow to brownish-yellow solution. INDICATIONS FOR USE For dogs suffering from, or at risk of suffering from, mixed parasitic infections: • treatment and prevention of infestation by fleas (Ctenocephalides felis), • treatment of infestation by chewing lice (Trichodectes canis), • treatment of infestation by ear mites (Otodectes cynotis), sarcoptic mange (caused by Sarcoptes scabei var . canis), demodicosis (caused by Demodex canis), • prevention of heartworm disease (L3 and L4 larvae of Dirofilaria immitis), • treatment of circulating microfilariae (Dirofilaria immitis), treatment of subcutaneous heartworm disease (adult stages of Dirofilaria repens), • prevention of subcutaneous heartworm (Dirofilaria repens L3 larvae), • reduction of circulating microfilariae (Dirofilaria repens), • prevention of angiostrongylosis (L4 larvae and immature adults of Angiostrongylus vasorum), • treatment of Angiostrongylus vasorum and Crenosoma vulpis infections, • prevention of spirocercosis (Spirocerca lupi), • treatment of gastrointestinal nematode infections [L4 larvae, immature adults and adults of Toxocara canis (roundworms), Ancylostoma caninum (hookworms) and Uncinaria stenocephala (hookworms), adults of Toxascaris leonina (roundworms) and Trichuris vulpis (whipworms)]. The drug can be used as part of a flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) treatment strategy . CONTRAINDICATIONS Do not use in puppies less than 7 weeks. Do not use in case of hypersensitivity to the active substances or to any of the excipients. Do not use in dogs with class 4 heartworm disease as the safety of the drug has not been studied in this group of animals. For cats, the corresponding “Advocate for cats” should be used, which contains 100 mg/ml imidacloprid and 10 mg/ml moxidectin. For ferrets: "Advocate for dogs" should not be used. Only “Advocate for small cats and ferrets” (0.4 ml) should be used. Do not use in canaries. ADVERSE REACTIONS The use of the medication may cause a transient pruritus in the dog. On rare occasions, it can Oily hair, erythema, and vomiting may occur. These symptoms go away without further treatment. In rare cases, the drug can cause local hypersensitivity reactions. On very rare occasions, if the animal licks the area of ​​application after treatment, neurological signs such as ataxia, generalized tremors, ocular signs (dilated pupils, poor pupillary reflex, nystagmus), abnormal respiration, salivation and vomiting may be observed, which basically refer. The medicine has a bitter taste. On some occasions, if the animal licks the application site immediately after treatment, salivation may occur. This effect is not a sign of poisoning and disappears after a few minutes without the need for treatment. A correct application will minimize the possibility of the dog licking the application points. On very rare occasions, the medicinal product may give rise to a sensation at the point of application that causes transient behavioral disturbances such as lethargy, agitation and loss of appetite. A field trial has shown that in heartworm-positive dogs with microfilaraemia there is a risk of severe respiratory signs (coughing, tachypnea and dyspnea), which may require immediate veterinary treatment. In that study, these reactions were common (in 2 of 106 treated dogs). Gastrointestinal signs (vomiting, diarrhoea, inappetence) and lethargy are also frequently observed in these dogs after treatment. TARGET SPECIES Dogs. DOSAGE FOR EACH SPECIES, METHOD AND ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION For cutaneous use only. Apply to the skin of the animal between the scapulae. Dosage schedule The minimum recommended doses are 10 mg/kg weight of imidacloprid and 2.5 mg/kg weight of moxidectin, equivalent to 0.1 ml/kg weight of Advocate for dogs. INSTRUCTIONS FOR CORRECT ADMINISTRATION Remove a pipette from the package. Then hold the pipet up, twist and remove the cap. wear cap upside down to twist and remove seal from pipette as shown. For dogs up to 25 kg: With the dog in a standing position, part the hair between the shoulder blades until the skin is visible. When possible, apply to unbroken skin. Place the pipette tip on the skin and squeeze the pipette firmly several times to deliver the contents directly onto the skin. For dogs over 25 kg: For a simple application the dog should be standing. The entire content of the pipette must be applied evenly distributed in 3 or 4 points on the dorsal line of the animal from the scapular area to the base of the tail. At each point, part the fur so that the skin is visible. When possible, apply to unbroken skin. Place the pipette tip on the skin and gently squeeze the pipette to eject a portion of the contents directly onto the skin. Do not apply an excessive amount of solution to any one spot as some of the medication may run down the animal's side. WAITING TIME Not applicable. SPECIAL STORAGE PRECAUTIONS Keep out of the sight and reach of children. Do not store at temperatures above 30°C. Do not use this veterinary medicinal product after the expiration date stated on the label and box. The expiration date refers to the last day of the indicated month.

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